Radiant Blog
3-Minute Church: The Mystery of Generosity
We never look more like Jesus than when we step into generosity.
3-Minute Church: How to Grow in Generosity
In this sermon from Mike Popenhagen, he shares how to grow in the area of generosity. We must understand that generosity is not an income issue, but a posture of our heart.
3-Minute Church: Open Your Heart Up
Are you living with an open or closed heart? Jesus died on the cross and bore the weight of our pain, knowing we wouldn't be able to handle it on our own. When we open up our hearts, we find confidence in the goodness and light of the Son: the one man who will never hurt us.
3-Minute Church: The Why Behind The What
God wants more than anything to be around us, within us, beside us, and working with us. This is the why behind the what. We respond to Him by pursuing holy lives and honoring the covenant He has made with us.
3-Minute Church: What is Your Perspective?
God gives us the endurance, just like Paul, to not lose heart in the midst of pain. Are you living today from an eternal perspective, or are you living for the moment?
3-Minute Church: What is Your Status?
When we trade in our worldly status for the pursuit of Jesus, we gain something that the world can never give: the beauty of the cross..
3-Minute Church: Triumph in Tragedy
As we endure trials as Christians, we share in Christ's sufferings and can rejoice, knowing the Spirit of glory rests on us. We are challenged to take up our cross daily, die to ourselves, and allow Christ to shape us into his image.
3-Minute Church: Suffering in Faithfulness
Living in “wild” times like the ancient city of Corinth, we are reminded that Paul’s apostolic leadership did not expire 2,000 years ago—but is alive more than ever.
Kingdom Builders Update from Pastor Joel
Your generous giving is making a difference in our community and the nations of the world.
Radiant Stories: Testimony of God's Redemptive Love
"My testimony is something that I can utilize to not only identify with other people, but also be able to reach and show them that they are worthy and God loves them just like He loves me."
Are You Laying A Strong Spiritual Foundation?
Pastor Toby Cavanaugh shares the importance of laying a strong spiritual foundation in the midst of the world’s current that is actively pushing people away from Christ.
Letter to the Church: July 2023
"On these trips, students helped thousands come to know Christ, healed the sick, cast out demons, and brought the Gospel to unreached people for the first time."
Radiant City Vision: Portage Radiant Kids Space Update
Check out this video from Pastor Buckie talking about the recent updates made to our Portage Radiant Kids spaces!
Guatemala Impact Trip: Spreading The Gospel Over 2,700 Miles Away
In this blog, Ariana, who was part of our recent Impact Trip to Guatemala, highlights the entire week and shares all that God did during during our time there through powerful testimones.
Letter to the Church: May 2023
Jane and I were talking out on our back deck this morning about some of the recent things that have taken place in our culture that are so shocking and immoral that it literally takes our breath away. How did this happen in America?
Letter to the Church: March 2023
Overflow. That is the only word I can come up with to explain how this year, 2023, has seemed.
Radiant City Vision: Richland Radiant Kids Space Update
Check out this video from Pastor Scott talking about the recent updates made to our Radiant Kids spaces!
Letter to the Church: February 2023
Having recently completed our SEEK 21 day season of prayer and fasting, I am a bit stunned and encouraged by the level of spiritual hunger that I witnessed in our community right from the beginning. Historically, it takes a while for the distractions of the holidays to catch up to our commitment to pursue the Lord. But this year, there was a supernatural anticipation that began on the opening Sunday of SEEK which bled into our Revival Nights, resulting in an overflow. As your pastor, I was so encouraged, but also asked the Lord, “What does this mean?”
Letter to the Church: November 2022
As we are approaching Christmas this year, I am again struck by the creatures of cultural habit that we all have become. Our calendars drive us from the celebration to the next, and before you know it, the year is done, and we repeat the cycle without giving very much thought or focus on what these “seasons” should mean to us. Christmas is the biggest holiday of them all. We watch the Macy’s parade, listen to classic Christmas music, decorate our homes, and even in the Church, we can often become guilty of forgetting about the miracle that Christmas really is…
Big Give: Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is a global event occurring on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving every year, where people across the world unleash the power of radical generosity. This year, the event falls on Tuesday, November 29, and could be an opportunity to make your Big Give contribution go even further!