Greetings from the Himalayas!
Radiant Church,
Greetings from the Himalayas!
There’s a story of Jesus in a boat. You probably know it. After a day of healing and preaching the cost of following Him, he heads across the lake in a boat with his friends. As he drifts off to sleep a furious storm drifts in. It surrounds the boat, threatening it from all sides.
If there was a phrase to describe the current state of the world, “a furious storm” seems fitting. Week after week, it’s threatening from all sides, without much relief.
“Wake up, Jesus!” They yell. “Save us! We’re drowning.”
I can imagine Jesus, startled by their fret, waking up a little confused. “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” He looks upward and begins to rebuke the storm, and as he speaks the clouds begin to retreat and the rain dries up. They recognize his authority and obey his voice.
None of us could have expected what has unfolded in 2020. In a year undeniably marked by great challenges and suffering, the storm feels unrelenting. No one could have planned for a year like this. It can feel like fear is the only answer. It can feel like we must run for cover.
But we know differently.
Faith in Jesus, and in the call he’s given us, is the confidence we’ve needed to weather this storm. The same man who calmed the storm in that boat is now sitting enthroned in perfect authority over all of creation. We can trust him!
Over the last two decades working among the unreached in the Himalayas, we’ve faced many seasons of great challenge and struggle. Struggle is expected in those places. It’s not comfortable or safe. But in this season, we’ve learned to lean in and trust that the God who is in perfect control of the natural storm is also in perfect control of the storm that rages around us. Over every struggle and opposition. He’s also over every blessing.
“.We know that as uncomfortable as it may be in the moment, leaning in is what God has called us to as followers.”
Over the last year, it would have been easy for us to shrink back. But our time among the most unreached in the Himalayas has taught us a few lessons. We know that as uncomfortable as it may be in the moment, leaning in is what God has called us to as followers. We press in knowing that our reward is not safety and comfort this side of eternity, but in the joy of seeing many come to faith.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). In this season of great uncertainty we can stand assured of things hoped for and with deep conviction that while we might not see it yet, God is up to something! His word is true. His promise hold fast. And we want to be in the middle of all that he’s up to!
We are grateful that you are in it as well. Thank you for your faithfulness and desire to join hands with those in the Himalayas so that Christ can be made famous. We are grateful for your partnership and heart for reaching the unreached.