Kingdom Builders Update | The Shead Family
Meet the Shead Family! Michael and Chrisi Shead are missionaries in Guatemala that we as Radiant Church support. They are passionate about discipleship, teaching, and mobilizing followers of Jesus Christ. Read more about who they are and what they are doing below.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
That’s a pretty regular sound we hear these days as people come to our door to sell us things or asking for a job so they can buy a few pounds of corn, basic food items, or medicine that their family needs. We try to help as we can.
We realize that many people need the help. So, we’ve bought plants and flowers, wild orchids that a single mom scavenged out of the forest, clothes, shoes, fruits, and eggs.
We also have given away about 400 pounds of corn, rice, beans, oatmeal, and basic food items to help keep families fed during these difficult times. You see, COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings have heavily impacted people here in Guatemala.
Chrisi delivering food and encouragement to a family of the Little Disciples.
COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings have heavily impacted people here in Guatemala.
With tourism and related activities closed, people aren’t buying many of the handicraft items that were a regular part of income for families in this area. Family-run manufacturing plants have shut down.
People have lost jobs. That means they have less money for food.
Some families have told us of how they don’t have food at home so they’ve been going to other family members and asking to share a meal so that they have something to eat.
One of our little helpers sits on top of a bag of corn along with food bags we prepared for delivery to local families.
Local women who normally would keep their hands busy sewing detailed designs into blouses and other products for the market have no place to sell their work. Normally, these women didn’t make more than a few dollars for their hard work, but it was something. Now they can’t sell what they make. That means there’s less money to pay for food to feed the hungry kids who can’t go to school. Plus some food costs have increased by about 20% from their normal costs. This makes it hard on families especially as the impact of the pandemic lingers on without a clear end in sight.
We’re glad to help with those who come to our door, but as we evaluate the needs around us, we’ve realized that working with local churches and ministries will have the biggest immediate impact and help long-term discipleship for these hungry families.
Although churches can’t meet together right now, we have contacted several local pastors to evaluate how we can help them provide for the most needy in our communities.
Already we’ve distributed 180 pounds of corn through one local pastor who helped over 20 families by dividing up the corn and adding other food items to make food packets to take to widows and needy families.
We’ve personally visited homes and delivered food packets to nearby kids, single moms and families who are part of our Little Disciples Bible Study.