Out Of Egypt: Lessons From The Wilderness: God, Where Are You?
Join us for a special Mother’s Day sermon from John Bevere titled GOD, WHERE ARE YOU?
Out Of Egypt: Lessons From The Wilderness: Bread from Heaven
In this sermon titled Bread From Heaven from our Lessons From the Wilderness series, Pastor Lee Cummings brings a powerful word that asks the question: are you going to listen to the voice of God or the voices of this world?
Out Of Egypt: Lessons From The Wilderness: Bitter Into Sweet
In this sermon titled Bitter Into Sweet from our Lessons From the Wilderness series, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches on bitterness and how the Gospel is the only solution to turning the disappointments and hurts of our past and make them sweet.
Out Of Egypt: Lessons From The Wilderness: Why The Wilderness?
In this sermon called Lessons From the Wilderness, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches on the place the Israelites found themselves in the book of Exodus, and how it’s similar to the place we find ourselves in today. The question is, are you going to see it as a blessing, or a curse?
Easter: Out Of Egypt: The Exodus Of Our Heart
In this special Easter message called The Exodus Of Our Heart, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches on the most powerful, jot-filled seven words ever spoken: “HE IS NOT HERE. HE IS RISEN!”
Good Friday: Out Of Egypt: Shelter In Place
In this special Good Friday message called Shelter In Place, Pastor Lee Cummings teaches on the Passover and the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made by dying on the cross.
Out Of Egypt
Out Of Egypt is a powerful series on how God is always there to deliver us out of darkness.
Palm Sunday: Out Of Egypt
On Palm Sunday, Pastor Lee kicks off our Out Of Egypt series with a powerful word on how God is always there to deliver us out of darkness.
Divine Detour: Part Two
Week Two of Divine Detour from Pastor Lee Cummings challenges us to respond differently in the storm - to arise and shine and trust that God has us every step of the way.
Divine Detour: Part One
Need hope in the midst of a storm? Watch this sermon from Pastor Lee Cummings that encourages us trust the path that the Lord is taking us on, even when it takes us out of our comfort zone.
Divine Detour
Need hope in the midst of a storm? Watch this sermon from Pastor Lee Cummings that encourages us trust the path that the Lord is taking us on, even when it takes us out of our comfort zone.
Unwavering Faith
With uncertainty, panic, and fear surrounding the coronavirus in the U.S., Pastor Lee Cummings brings a timely word encouraging us to stand firm in the storm and trust that the Lord will get us through.
Building A Radiant City: Part Two
In week two of this series, Pastor Lee Cummings focuses on Nehemiah 2 and discusses comfort and the importance of being willing to let go in order to fulfill the calling that God has for our lives, and through our lives.
Seek First with Choco De Jesus
In this sermon from our March Seek First gathering, guest speaker Choco De Jesus teaches on God's presence and the importance of remaining near to His word.
Building A Radiant City: Part One
In this special sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings speaks from Nehemiah 1 and shares the Radiant City Vision, a three-year initiative to further the Kingdom of God by expanding to make room for more people to encounter the love of God!
Red Hot: Marriage and Parenting
Red Hot is a live Q&A series that revolves around some of the hottest topics in our culture. This year’s focus is relationships. In week 2 of RED HOT, Pastor Lee Cummings answers your live questions about marriage and parenting.
Red Hot: Singleness, Dating, and Sex
Red Hot is a live Q&A series that revolves around some of the hottest topics in our culture. This year’s focus is relationships. In week 1 of RED HOT, Pastor Lee Cummings answers your live questions about singleness, dating, and sex.
Jesus Paid It All
In this stand-alone sermon from Pastor Jon Zondervan, we dive into Luke 7 and learn about the incredible mercy that Jesus gives to us.
Exploits Of Faith
Exploits of Faith is a sermon from guest speaker Pastor Mike Popenhagen from Radiant Church Jackson. Pastor Mike breaks down the three truth's about faith while encouraging us to surrender to the Lord and see the potential in the little things.