Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Three (9:00AM Service)
In Part 3 of our Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm series, Pastor Lee Cummings dives deep into biblical prophecies, ideologies, and controversies surrounding the end times, particularly focusing on Israel's redemption.
In His Grip
In this sermon from special guest Jon Chasteen, we explore the idea of being like clay in the hands of a divine Potter, drawing upon Psalm 103 and Jeremiah 18 to illustrate our journey of spiritual transformation.
Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Two (11:00AM Service)
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings examines the ongoing conflict in the Middle East through the lens of biblical prophecies, specifically exploring the tensions between Israel and Hamas and the persecution of Jewish people in Iran.
Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Two (9:00AM Service)
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings examines the ongoing conflict in the Middle East through the lens of biblical prophecies, specifically exploring the tensions between Israel and Hamas and the persecution of Jewish people in Iran.
Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm (11:00AM Service)
In this weekend’s sermon titled Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm, Pastor Lee speaks on the war going on in the Middle East and answers 6 related questions including if this war has biblical relevance and how we are called to respond.
Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm (9:00AM Service)
In this weekend’s sermon titled Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm, Pastor Lee speaks on the war going on in the Middle East and answers 6 related questions including if this war has biblical relevance and how we are called to respond.
God is Looking for Worshipers
In a room full of people, God is looking for those who will worship Him. Will He find you? Don't miss this unforgettable sermon from Pastor Rachel Culver on the topic of worship.
Unlocking Revival
We’re excited to welcome special guest Wayne Drain for a special service this upcoming Sunday night at our Richland location!
Joyful in the House of Prayer
What does It mean to be “a praying and worshiping Church” and why is it important? In this sermon from Pastor Lee Cummings, we begin to unpack the beginning of Radiant's Mission Statement.
God's Perfect Plan For Marriage
In this special teaching from Jimmy Evans, the founder of XOMarriage and Apostolic Overseer of Radiant Church, he unpacks the most important and revelatory text in the Bible concerning marriage: Ephesians 5.
Fragrance of Worship
In this sermon from Pastor Caleb Culver, he unpacks how we are the fragrance of Christ and the smell that reminds the Father of the cross.
Vision Weekend
In this sermon, Pastor Lee shares God’s vision for our church as we celebrate all that God has done and align hearts as we step into the next season as a family.
The Gospel of John: High Priestly Ministry of Jesus
In the final sermon from our Gospel of John series, Pastor Lee shares from John 17 and unpacks the four things Jesus prays for and how His greatest desire for us is to know God the Father.
The Gospel of John: We Need the Holy Spirit
In this sermon from Pastor Lee, we identify the Holy Spirit as our hope, inheritance, and power, and identify the fruit of the Spirit and the gift of the Spirit dynamics at work in our life.
The Gospel of John: Abiding in the Vine
In this sermon, Pastor Lee show us that abiding in Jesus, relying on His power and trusting in God's pruning, is essential for spiritual growth and bearing abundant fruit in our lives.
The Gospel of John: Love, Death, Tears, & Life
In this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews, discover how God’s love is unbreakable and can be fully understood through His revelation.
Deep Compassion & Love
In this sermon, special guest Andy Byrd reveals the necessity of showing compassion towards every nation, tribe, and tongue, and poses the question, “what would happen if the Church of America began to move in adoptive love?”
The Gospel of John: The Good Shepherd
In this sermon from Pastor Sonny Misar, director of the Radiant Network, we dive into one of the seven "I AM" sayings of Jesus in John's Gospel, Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
The Gospel of John: Who is Your Father?
In this sermon from Pastor Sean Downs, we explore John 8 and focus on Jesus' "I am" statement, where He declares, "Before Abraham was, I AM."