The New Self
The new self is more than a lofty ideal we chase but never fully reach. It is what we put on. It's a change in heart that departs the old from the new toward a life that mirrors Jesus. Pastor Tim Matthews encourages us to experience our identity in Christ, "new selves," together as a church family. Don't miss the start of our new series, "Life Together!"
Jesus is God
Continuing the momentum from our "Red Hot" series, Pastor Tim Matthews delivers a word you do not want to miss: Jesus is God. Are we delaying our hope in Jesus by putting Him on the witness stand, or are we recognizing Him as judge and jury? More than a man, more than a prophet, He is Emmanuel: God with us. Don't miss out on this sermon!
The Why Behind The What
God wants more than anything to be around us, within us, beside us, and working with us. We respond to Him by pursuing holy lives and honoring the covenant He has made with us. Don't miss out on this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews!
Triumph in Tragedy
In this sermon, Pastor Tim Matthews delivers an impactful message on the triumph we can find even in the midst of tragedy. As we endure trials as Christians, we share in Christ's sufferings and can rejoice, knowing the Spirit of glory rests on us.
Show Us The Father
Jesus, the one who offers eternal life, COULD NOT do life on His own—His words bear witness to the remarkable truth that He relied completely on God the Father for all things. Don't miss this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews as we continue in our "When God is Your Father" series.
God's Smile, Our Strength
In this sermon, Pastor Tim Matthews delivers a word recognizing and embracing our sacred identity as God's cherished children, while emphasizing the strength we draw from His affirmation and love to overcome life's challenges and rejections.
Seek Jesus
In this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews called SEEK JESUS, he emphasizes the importance of genuine pursuit and the internal motives behind seeking a relationship with God, rather than merely performing religious acts.
What Does God Desire?
The birth of Jesus signifies God's ultimate act of love, offering humanity a way to salvation and redemption.
The Gospel of John: Love, Death, Tears, & Life
In this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews, discover how God’s love is unbreakable and can be fully understood through His revelation.
The Gospel of John: Walk in the Light
In this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews, he shares how to walk in the light of God and encourages us to believe in Jesus, confess our darkness, and follow the light.
The Gospel of John: Our God Speaks to Us
In part five of our "The Gospel of John" series, Pastor Tim Matthews shares from John 5 about how one sentence from the mouth of Jesus changed a man's life sentence.
Wind + Fire: The Unstoppable Force of the Kingdom
To wrap up our WIND + FIRE series, Pastor Tim Matthews preaches a powerful sermon out of Acts 28.
Wind + Fire: Preaching Jesus to a Pagan Culture
In this sermon from our WIND + FIRE series, Pastor Tim Matthews discusses idolatry and how we as believers can use humility to connect with those around us.
Wind + Fire: The Fall and Rise of Saul to Paul
In this sermon from our WIND + FIRE series, Pastor Tim Matthews speaks on the life of Paul and how the church must rise up.
Windows To Christmas: Mary
This week, Pastor Tim Matthews shares from the perspective of Mary and reveals how she was a worshipper, feeler, thinker, seeker, and servant.
Preeminent: Part Twelve
In this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews, we explore what happens when Jesus comes to the house. Jesus paid the price to come to our house, but it will cost us our lives to keep Him there.
Preeminent: Part Nine
We live with Jesus and for Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Tim dives into Colossians 3 and shares the secret to living a resurrected life.
The God Who Gives
God is generous with His words, works, and love. If God were to give you the greatest gift, what must He give? The answer: Himself. Don't miss this timely word from Pastor Tim Matthews!