How to Grow in Generosity
In this sermon from Mike Popenhagen, he shares how to grow in the area of generosity. We must understand that generosity is not an income issue, but a posture of our heart.
Open Your Heart Up
Are you living with an open or closed heart? Jesus died on the cross and bore the weight of our pain, knowing we wouldn't be able to handle it on our own. Don’t miss this powerful sermon from Pastor Caleb Culver!
The Why Behind The What
God wants more than anything to be around us, within us, beside us, and working with us. We respond to Him by pursuing holy lives and honoring the covenant He has made with us. Don't miss out on this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews!
In Light of Eternity
This world is not our home. In this sermon, Pastor Lee reminds us of the long term goal: eternity. While our bodies may fail us as we grow in old age, we can have hope knowing that we will be renewed in the Spirit when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
What is Your Perspective?
In this sermon, Pastor Lee reminds us of Paul's persecution as a suffering saint. Even through suffering, Paul counted it all to joy. God gives us the endurance, just like Paul, to not lose heart in the midst of pain.
The Great Commission
The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is YOU and ME! Brother Abraham delivers an encouraging reminder that impact begins when we go and make disciples. We are the salt and light—called to spread the word of the Gospel! Join us as Brother Abraham helps us celebrate Father's Day and Kingdom Builders Weekend.
What is Your Status?
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers an impactful reminder that Christ has written His law on our hearts. When we trade in our worldly status for the pursuit of Jesus, we gain something that the world can never give: the beauty of the cross.
Triumph in Tragedy
In this sermon, Pastor Tim Matthews delivers an impactful message on the triumph we can find even in the midst of tragedy. As we endure trials as Christians, we share in Christ's sufferings and can rejoice, knowing the Spirit of glory rests on us.
Suffering in Faithfulness
In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings gives context to 2 Corinthians, teaches how there will be suffering in remaining faithful to Jesus, and defines three important terms you need to know.
The Fight for Female
The future belongs to both men and women. Join us as Lisa Bevere shares a powerful sermon on the importance of sons and daughters prophesying truth in love against the lies of our culture.
Overcoming Orphan Mentality
Join us for a powerful sermon as Pastor Lee Cummings shares the healing found in spiritual adoption and what it means to embrace our true identity as cherished children of God.
Thanksgiving Changes Everything
Thanksgiving changes everything. In this sermon from Michael Miller of UPPERROOM Dallas, he unpacks how little hinges open big doors, and how thanksgiving either opens or shuts our hearts to the Lord.
God Will Never Abandon You
Pastor Lee Cummings reminds us of the greatest revelation that Jesus gave us–to know and understand that God relates to us as our Father. He is the ultimate, perfect, consistent, and available Father who covers us in times of vulnerability. Therefore, we can confidently say “the Lord is my helper. What can man do to me?”
Show Us The Father
Jesus, the one who offers eternal life, COULD NOT do life on His own—His words bear witness to the remarkable truth that He relied completely on God the Father for all things. Don't miss this sermon from Pastor Tim Matthews as we continue in our "When God is Your Father" series.
Your Identity is Defined & Your Value is Affirmed
One of the greatest longings of the human heart and most critical issue in our day is for someone to tell us who we are and that we have worth.
Easter: The Women, Disciples, and Peter
He is risen! In this Easter sermon from Pastor Lee Cummings, discover the transformative journey from despair to redemption as he unpacks the unwavering devotion of the women at the tomb, the disillusionment of the disciples, and Peter's personal encounter with grace, highlighting that our failures are not the end, but a new beginning with Christ.
The Process of Maturity
In this sermon continuing our "When God is Your Father" series, Pastor Lee Cummings unpacks how the role of God's discipline in our life is vital to our process of maturity.
The Pursuit of the Father
In this sermon, Pastor Lee continues in our "When God is Your Father" series with a powerful Word on true acceptance, love, and a sense of belonging that is found in our relationship with God.
Whatever It Takes
Some miracles only happen when you bring your friend to Jesus. Don’t miss this sermon from Pastor Toby Cavanaugh!