Pastor Tim Matthews Guest User Pastor Tim Matthews Guest User

All In

Solomon received wisdom, knowledge, riches, and honor from God because he asked for the ability to govern God's people, not for personal gain. Solomon's life demonstrates that wisdom alone is insufficient. God seeks those who will seek Him with their whole heart. Are you all in?

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Pastor Nathan Schaffner Guest User Pastor Nathan Schaffner Guest User

The Greatest Gift Ever Given

Join us as Pastor Nathan shares a heartfelt message on the greatest gift this Christmas season: Jesus. He reminds us of Mary's faithful 'yes' to God, encouraging children and adults alike to follow in pursuit. Witness the joy as children bravely step forward to embrace their faith, reminding us to walk in obedience in our 'yes' to Jesus.

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Pastor Tim Matthews Guest User Pastor Tim Matthews Guest User

I Will

God is who He says He is and will do what He says He'll do. Pastor Tim Matthews delivers a powerful sermon encouraging us to delight in God's promises: Our Father has never made a promise that was too good to be true. In response, we will worship, believe, and witness His glory.

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

Trusting God in the Waiting

As we enter the Advent season, we are reminded that the waiting season has purpose and preparation. Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a meaningful reminder that God is always on time, even when we may feel delayed. When our faith feels the most tested, this is when we can step into deeper faithfulness and trust.

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Pastor Caleb Culver Guest User Pastor Caleb Culver Guest User

Every Day is Thanksgiving

Pastor Caleb Culver delivers a powerful reminder as we head into Thanksgiving week, reminding us to practice gratitude from an eternal perspective. Thanksgiving isn't just a holiday but a daily recognition of God's faithfulness and provision in our lives. Gratitude is an attitude, but thanksgiving is an action.

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

7 Things You Need to Know About Generosity

This Sunday, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers an impactful message on generosity. When we approach generosity with a transformational mindset rather than a transactional one, we reflect God's spirit. God promises that if He can trust us as conduits or stewards of His blessings, we will never lack anything we need. Don't miss this sermon!

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

New Wine, Fresh Oil, and Old Fire

Join us this week as we dive into Habakkuk's powerful prayer for revival. Pastor Lee challenges us to yearn for a renewed outpouring of God's Spirit, cultivate fresh oil, and reignite the old fire that lies dormant within us. All revival doesn't begin in a room; revival begins in a heart, one at a time.

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Pastor Tim Matthews Guest User Pastor Tim Matthews Guest User

Jesus is God

Continuing the momentum from our "Red Hot" series, Pastor Tim Matthews delivers a word you do not want to miss: Jesus is God. Are we delaying our hope in Jesus by putting Him on the witness stand, or are we recognizing Him as judge and jury? More than a man, more than a prophet, He is Emmanuel: God with us. Don't miss out on this sermon!

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Dr. R.T. Kendall Guest User Dr. R.T. Kendall Guest User

Total Forgiveness

This Sunday we had the honor of welcoming a hero of the faith, Dr. R.T. Kendall. Join us in celebrating his impactful ministry and listen as he shares a powerful sermon on the importance of total forgiveness, no matter how difficult it may seem.

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Pastor Zach Dillon Guest User Pastor Zach Dillon Guest User

Pass the Test

How do you know your faith is real? To conclude our Church in the Wild series, Pastor Zach shares a sermon on testing faith and how if it's living, will produce experiential evidence in your life. Your faith is too important not to test it.

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

Strength in Weakness

Pastor Lee Cummings returns this Sunday to deliver another powerful sermon in our "Church in the Wild" series: there is strength in weakness. What we see as disqualifying, God sees as qualifying for His heavenly purpose. It is in our weakness that God's grace makes us STRONG.

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Pastor Sonny Misar Guest User Pastor Sonny Misar Guest User

The Foundations of a True Apostle

Just as a house needs a solid foundation to withstand storms, our spiritual lives require firm grounding in Christ. Pastor Sonny Misar delivers an impactful sermon on the building blocks to creating a foundation in Christ. Don't miss it this sermon from our "Church in the Wild" series!

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

The Mystery of Generosity

We never look more like Jesus than when we step into generosity. Pastor Lee Cummings reminds us that generosity is a lot like the love of Jesus: simple goodness that gives itself with no strings attached. Don't miss out on this sermon from our "Church in the Wild" series!

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