Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

Created to Thrive

Are you planted or potted? Planted believers thrive in community with fellow believers, where they grow and serve in the local church. However, many believers are potted, moving from one spiritual experience to another without putting down roots. Pastor Lee Cummings encourages us to step into the environment God has cultivated for us: the Household of God.

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

When God Builds a House

Kicking off our latest series, In His House, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a profound truth: God's house isn't a physical place—it's a spiritual reality. The Household of God is built on the cornerstone of who Jesus Christ is: Savior and Son of God. If we get Jesus wrong, we get the Church wrong. Who do you say that He is?

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Pastor Stefan Davis Guest User Pastor Stefan Davis Guest User

A Transformed Heart

A hardened heart isn't just a problem for non-believers; even disciples can struggle with it. Pastor Stefan Davis reminds us that our actions flow from our hearts. We must receive and recognize the unchanging truth that God loves us, which leads to softening our hearts. Above all, we must guard our hearts, for everything flows from them.

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Pastor Dane Mallernee Guest User Pastor Dane Mallernee Guest User

Life Together

In this sermon from Pastor Dane Mallernee, we explore the call to abandon our old selves and embrace the new life given to us through Jesus. There's a pathway to experiencing the most profound joy available to the human heart: walking as children of the light, shedding the old self, and putting on the new self.

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Pastor Tim Matthews Guest User Pastor Tim Matthews Guest User

The New Self

The new self is more than a lofty ideal we chase but never fully reach. It is what we put on. It's a change in heart that departs the old from the new toward a life that mirrors Jesus. Pastor Tim Matthews encourages us to experience our identity in Christ, "new selves," together as a church family. Don't miss the start of our new series, "Life Together!"

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

Hunger & Thirst for More: Part II

Our hunger is satisfied when we align ourselves with Jesus's appetite: to do the will of the Father. Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a powerful sermon on the Samaritan woman at the well, reminding us that the Lord provides living water. When we drink from His living water and hunger to do His will, we discover our true purpose: to love God and make His name known.

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

Hunger & Thirst for More: Part I

Our hunger is satisfied when we align ourselves with Jesus's appetite: to do the will of the Father. Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a powerful sermon on the Samaritan woman at the well, reminding us that the Lord provides living water. When we drink from His living water and hunger to do His will, we discover our true purpose: to love God and make His name known.

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Pastor Caleb Culver Guest User Pastor Caleb Culver Guest User

Friendship with God

Continuing our Hunger and Thirst series, Pastor Caleb Culver delivers a message on pursuing friendship with God. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. While we have always had God's attention and sonship, this is not synonymous with friendship. True friendship with God requires time, loyalty, and shared burdens.

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

What Are You Hungry For?

The invitation is clear: Taste and see that the Lord is good. In this season of SEEK, Pastor Lee Cummings compels us to evaluate our hunger for the Lord. Will we continue to seek Him beyond our 21 days of fasting and prayer? In a culture that values success, status, and material gain, we must count it all as lost in comparison to knowing Christ.

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Pastor Russell B Johnson Guest User Pastor Russell B Johnson Guest User

SEEK: Contending for Revival

Russel B. Johnson is back! The Lord told us to give Him one more night, so we extended our SEEK 2025 services to a fourth night. In an age of severe spiritual drought plaguing our land, like Elijah, we have to keep our eyes fixed on the hills and pray for rain—even if it takes seven, forty, or 100 times. Revival is coming, and it's going to rain.

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Pastor Russell B Johnson Guest User Pastor Russell B Johnson Guest User

SEEK: Everything Hinges on the Resurrection

It was a powerful night with Russell B Johnson that you won't want to miss. Night three of SEEK 2025 was a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit and hope for revival. In a climate where the world has watered down Jesus's miracles, we are reminded that His presence is powerful and sacred. He still does miracles, heals, and seeks revival. And it all hinges on the weight of His resurrection.

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Pastor Jon Tyson Guest User Pastor Jon Tyson Guest User

SEEK: God Comes Where He’s Wanted

On our second night of SEEK 2025, Jon Tyson calls us to examine our hearts. Are we building a Church that hungers for the Lord's presence, or are we falling victim to a culture that rejects Him? Just like the city of Nazareth, we live in a culture that aims to diminish God's presence. If we want to stoke revival, it's not through methodology or works but by bringing our hearts to the altar with praise; God comes where He is wanted.

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Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User Pastor Lee Cummings Guest User

SEEK: The Horn of Hunger

On night one of SEEK 2025, Pastor Lee Cummings delivers a powerful word on spiritual hunger. Pastor Lee references a cornucopia, which in traditional society is seen as a status of wealth and fulfillment. The cornucopia, while full, often leads to the "horn of hunger," which is spiritual emptiness. When our "horn of hunger" produces spiritual thirst, God fills it with His presence.

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Pastor Corey Russell Guest User Pastor Corey Russell Guest User

SEEK: Spiritual Hunger & Desperation

Corey Russell kicks off SEEK 2025, a dedicated 21-day journey of fasting and prayer to realign our hearts with God. In this message, he prompts us to lean into the gift of spiritual hunger. When we begin to touch spiritual bankruptcy, we begin to experience Heaven's blessing. Our existence attracts His omnipresence, but our hunger attracts His manifest presence.

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Pastor Dane Mallernee Guest User Pastor Dane Mallernee Guest User

Are You Satsified?

Seeking God requires intentionality and effort, not passive hoping. The Father is desperate to be found but is always seeking us more than we seek Him. Our efforts in seeking God do not earn acceptance, approval, or affection; these are secured through Jesus' work on the cross.

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Pastor Stefan Davis Guest User Pastor Stefan Davis Guest User

Are You Ready for the New?

God desires to pour "new wine" into fresh wineskins. Focusing on the "bread of life" (Jesus' word) and "new wine" (Holy Spirit) through prayer and personal Bible study strengthens our faith and fills us with God's word. When we communicate with God through thanksgiving, praise, and prayer, it unlocks the heart and spirit, developing a deeper connection with Him.

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